COINTEC is a company devoted to Consulting and Multidisciplinary Engineering that provides services in the sectors of energy, water resources, sanitation, transport, singular and industrial works, mining, environment and communications.

COINTEC adds quality and efficiency in the execution of projects, providing high-quality services that support a successful implementation.

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COINTEC has a unique organization scheme designed to deal with diverse projects through participatory leadership and team work methodology.


An effective quality management system must lead to a log on works quality that allows maintenance per life cycle to be executed ...

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500-kV Interconnection - 2 X 500 KV C.H. Itaipú - Villa Hayes

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ANDE Aysa S.A Alrío Empresa Nacional de Electricidad Bolivia ROGGIO IMPSA Tel3 S.A. Administración de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias S. E.
AUSA José Cartellone Construcciones Civiles S.A. Teyma Abengoa S.A. ENERSA Comisión Federal de Electricidad de México  Entidad Binacional Yacyretá  Consejo Federal de la Energía Eléctrica  Electricidad y Telecomunicación Costa Rica
 Programa de Infraestructura Hídrica Norte Grande Aguas Bonaerenses S.A. ITAIPU Pan American Energy Aluar Aluminio Argentino TGN Coca Cola S.A CTI Móvil
Electroperú Esso SAPA Exxon Internacional Movicom - Movistar Telecom Argentina Telefónica Tenaris TGS
Total Austral YPF Repsol YPF Shell CAPSA UCAP Formosa EPRE San Juan Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos de Panamá Ministerio de Obras Públicas de Catamarca